Willys Overland Knight Registry
1930 Willys Sixes and Eights Advertisement - America
The Country Gentleman, October 1930
9 Big Reasons for the Greater Value in Willys Sixes and Eights
Greater Beauty - trim stylish lines; rich harmoniously blended colors; high quality of finish
Greater Luxury - spacious, comfortable interiors; fine broadcloth upholstery; attractive appointments.
Higher Speed - well over 70 miles an hour, easily and comfortably sustained.
48 Miles an Hour in Second Gear - for the alert pick up so necessary in todays traffic.
Greater Power - maximum development at high speeds. Remarkable hill climbing ability.
Greater Smoothness - engine rubber insulated against vibration; heavy counterbalanced crankshafts.
Greater Gasoline Economy - particularly at fast modern cruising speeds of 35 to 45 miles an hour.
Greater Riding Comfort - four two way hydraulic shock eliminators; oversize balloon tires.
Greater Safety - internal four wheel brakes, fully enclosed; protected from dust and moisture.
Willys Six Prices from $695 to $850.
Line includes 2 Pass Coupe, 4 Pass Coupe, 2 Pass Roadster, 4 Pass Roadster, Coach, Standard Sedan, Sedan DeLuxe, 1 1/2 Ton Truck Chassis.
Willys Eight Prices, $1245 to $1395.
All prices f.o.b. Toledo, O.