All guests to our forum are required to register for access. Registering is quick and easy.
The registration process is simple and will allow us to activate your account after approval. The registration process will ask you to create a USER NAME, PASSWORD, YOUR LOCATION, MEMBERSHIP # (if applicable), and you must agree to our terms of usage agreement.
Each new user account and email account will be verified and approved as quickly as we can. WOKR relies on many volunteers to complete the tasks that keep our organization running smoothly.
Please note that Forum registration is NOT automatic when joining WOKR.
You must still create your forum account by registering online.
There are two sections to our Forum. The Public Section is available for viewing and posting after registration. The Members' Only Section is available to dues paying members of WOKR.
Copies of our monthly newsletter as well as our quarterly Starter Magazine are available for Members.
We DO send our Quarterly Magazine out to US and International Members via USPS. Members have access to a digital version on the Forum also.
Online dues payment is quick and easy, but please allow us a bit of time to allow you access to the Members Only Forum after you register and pay your dues.

Click on image to the left to make larger.
Any questions, please email:
Please include your email address in your note if you would like a response.
Thanks and enjoy the forum.
edit 02-19-2025